2017年7月—2020年12月间,在南京鼓楼医院行内镜下抗反流黏膜切除术(anti-reflux mucosectomy,ARMS)治疗的26例质子泵抑制剂依赖性胃食......
A Randomized,Controlled,Double-Blinded and Double Dummy Trial of the Effect of Tongjiang Granule(通降颗
How many cases of laryngopharyngeal reflux suspected by laryngoscopy are gastroesophageal reflux dis
Surgery resection for esophagogastric junction stromal tumor involving Z-line:how to protect the car
Thoracic visceral organs and temporomandibular joint pain:Nociceptive processing of input to the C1-
Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders include a complex and poorly understood set of conditions that can cause pa......
The outcome of laparoscopic surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease complicated with hiatal hern
Objective To investigate the outcome of laparoscopic hiatal hernia (HH) repair plus fundoplication for gastroesophageal ......
胃食管反流(GER)与牛奶蛋白过敏(CMA)都是婴儿期常见的疾病。近年来,关于两者之间关系的研究逐渐增多,有报道认为1岁以内婴儿的 GER,约50%......
Treatment of Reflux Laryngopharyngitis with Modified Banxia Xiexin Tang (Pinellia Decoction for Drai
Objective: To evaluate the effect of modified Banxia Xiexin Tang (半夏泻心汤 Pinellia Decoction for Draining the Heart) ......
Systematic review of randomized controlled trials of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of non-a
OBJECTIVE:To assess the effectiveness and safety of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment of non-acute bronchial ......
BackgTound:Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints.GERD,caused by t......
目的 探讨胃食管反流病(GERD)的相关危险因素.方法 选择消化内科就诊的患者1 200例,其中GERD患者99例为观察组,另选择99例非GERD患......
目的探讨早产儿GER/GERD有效治疗手段,改善早产儿整体预后。方法选取210例NICU GER/GERD早产儿分别给予红霉素、吗叮啉、雷尼替丁......
目的探讨足月新生儿胃食管反流(gastroesophageal reflux,GER)临床特点及相关临床症状与24 h食管多通道腔内阻抗联合pH(multichanne......
目的 探讨腹腔镜下改良Thal术治疗儿童食管裂孔疝的效果.方法 回顾性分析了2007年6月至2009年6月运用腹腔镜改良Thal术治疗儿童食......
AIM: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disorder in the West population, but detailed populationbased da......
Proton pump inhibitor treatment of patients with gastroesophageal reflux-related chronic cough: A co
AIM: To compare two different daily doses of lansoprazole given for 12 weeks and to assess the role of gastrointestinal ......
Accurate positioning of the 24-hour pH monitoring catheter: Agreement between manometry and pH step-
AIM: To investigate the agreement between esophageal manometry and pH step-up method in two different patient positions.......
Overlap of reflux and eosinophilic esophagitis in two patients requiring different therapies:A revie
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) have overlapping clinical,manometric,endoscopic......
目的 探讨膈肌生物反馈训练对胃食管反流病(GERD)的治疗效果.方法 19例GERD患者同时接受生物反馈训练和质子泵抑制剂(PPI)抑酸药治......
目的 初步研究咽部pH值监测和反流症状指数(RSI)对咽喉反流性疾病(LPRD)诊断的意义,分析LPRD的症状特点及pH监测特点.方法 2006年1......
目的 研究阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)与胃食管反流(gastroesophageal reflux,GER)的关系.方法 76例OSAHS患者行多道睡......
目的 对52例有胃食管反流症状的患者进行食管测压及24小时pH监测,运用统计学方法分析了测压和PH结果,研究其相关性。方法 应用多导胃肠功能......
目的分析支气管哮喘合并胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)患者的高分辨率食管测压(high resolution manometry......
The burden of illness from esophageal adenocarcinomacontinues to rise in the Western world, and overallprognosis is poor......
目的探讨食管胃吻合抗反流术式. 方法在犬胃底前壁剥除8 cm×4 cm浆肌层成形为黏膜管,食管黏膜延长约1.5 cm,与胃部成形黏膜管......
Japanese apricot improves symptoms of gastrointestinaldysmotility associated with gastroesophageal r
AIM: To investigate the effects of Japanese apricot(JA) consumption on gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)-related symptoms......